
pricing...   profitability...   project management...


(c) Stuart J T Dodds, 2017

pricing on the front line: out now

Pricing on the Front Line addresses the key challenges and opportunities encountered by professionals whose jobs have them working in a legal capacity - whether in a law firm or a law department.

A key component of this book is the contributions from a variety of leading experts in the legal management field, providing an array of 'in the trenches' perspectives that further enhance my original four-step prescriptive approach, first introduced in Smarter Pricing, Smarter Profit.

Topics include:

- How to set up a legal pricing function

- How best tot tailor the pricing function to a law firm's (or law department) size, culture and practive areas

- The challenges around gaining buy-in and changing behaviour within a law firm

- The challenges around defining and demonstrating value, and how best to measure it's impact.

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Available on Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com.br as of August 7th, 2017

Available in book & eBook formats